Prof. Takeshi Fukusako
Departement of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
Kumamoto University
(Japan )
Dr. Mingchang Wu
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
(Taiwan )
Prof. Madya. Ir. Dr. Abd Kadir bin Mahamad
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
(Malaysia )
Prof. Wisnu Jatmiko, Dr. Eng
Universitas Indonesia
IEEE Indonesia Section Chair
(Indonesia )
All The 3rd ICVEE 2020 Virtual Conference participants must create a video presentation of the paper and send it to the organizer. The requirements of the video presentation are as follows:
1. The presentation needs to be delivered in English.
2. The maximum duration is 10 minutes.
3. Display the slides and the face of the presenter, the presenter must be one of the authors of the paper.
4. Start with a short introduction of the presenter.
5. The maximum video size is 100MB.
6. Video must have sufficient quality at least 720p.
7. The video format is MP4 file.
8. Video file name is the paper ID number.
9. Upload your video along with other documents in this link https://forms.gle/wNXWzwze16tjDYAV8 (this link has been sent by email) before September 29th, 2020.
10. Although the presentation of the paper is recorded before the conference day, but the presenter must be present at the designated time slot during the video playback as well as the Q&A session on the day of the conference.
Many presentation software including Zoom and PowerPoint allow you to record video and audio directly from your presentation on your computer and your computer microphone. All pre-recorded presentations will be reviewed by the Session Chairs to guarantee relevant and high-quality content.
If your presentation is not a strong reflection of the accepted Final Manuscript, or if the presenter is not one of the authors, the Chairs have the right to reject the submission.
The 3rd ICVEE 2020 will be held in the form of a virtual conference using Zoom. Each session will have a Host, a Moderator or Session chair (for paper presentations), presenters and attendees. The host will be the person that facilitates the use of the technology. The moderator or session chair is present to coordinate the session and manage Q&A.
~ 10 minutes before the session: The Host will start Zoom Session
~ 2 minutes before the session: The Host will start the recording
~ 1 minute before the session: The Moderator introduces the session Beginning of the Session: The Moderator will introduce the presenter.
~ The talk will be presented using the video recording submitted by the presenter previously to ensure that there is not any disruption and followed by live Q&A. Presenter must be present during parallel session at the intended room in the Zoom session.
~ The duration of each presentation by type are 15 minutes: 10 minutes recorded presentation (video) 5 minutes Live Q&A.
~ End of the Session: The Moderator will conclude the session and check attendance, then the host will end the session
All time in the program schedule* are in Western Indonesia Time / Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB; GMT+7; UTC+07:00). Please pay attention and adjust it to your local time. *detailed schedule and parallel session will be informed later.
~ Organizer will send you an invitation link as a presenter via email and WhatsApp group. Just click on the link to join the webinar.
~ Please join at least 5 minutes before your designated time slot and be present during the video playback as well as the Q&A session.
~ As organizers, we would like to ensure a smooth and productive virtual conference. Following the video presentation there is a short Q&A session.
~ Your microphone will be muted during the video playback.
~ During the replay of the presentation video, attendees will ask questions related to the presentation through the Q&A panel.
~ You are encouraged to keep an eye on the questions so to answer them during the Q&A Session.
~ At the end of the pre-recorded presentation, the host will unmute your microphone and shares your webcam. The Moderator then will ask you to answer some of the questions in sequence they were submitted and within the allotted Q&A period.
~ The Session Chair will try to cover as many questions as possible depending on the allotted time. In case, some of the questions have not been answered attendees may want to discuss with the author(s) off-line.
~ You are welcome to stay in the session as an attendee when not presenting.
~ When you are not presenting your paper, you can also ask questions to other presenters via chat panel.
Computer for education
Distance Learning and E-learning
Information Technology in Education
Technical and Vocational Education
Mobile Learning
High Voltage Engineering
Computer and AI Applications in Power Engineering
Energy, Power Generation and Distribution
Industrial and Electronic Power
System Stability and Power Quality
Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technologies
Energy Market and Demand Response
Electric Motor and Drives
Energy Conversion
IoT Devices
Semiconductor Technology
Electric drivers and application
Bio-medical electronics
Electromagnetic and applied superconductivity
Microelectronic Circuits and Systems
Sensor Networks
Electronic and implementation
Electromagnetic and Radio Propagation
Phased array, microstrip and printed antennas
Wireless and Mobile Communications
Microwave and millimetre-wave circuits
Optical and wireless networking
5G and beyond
Green communication
Satellite communication
Computer and Communication Networks
Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation
Food Processing Intelligent Control System
Measurement and Instrumentations
Human-machine Interaction
Control Theory and Application
Artificial Intelligence
Virtual Reality
IT in Education
Mobile Computing
Data Mining
Cloud computing
Information Systems and Management
Audio, Image and Video Processing
Remote Sensing and GIS
for attention: ICVEE Code 3
International participant: add comma and 3 to the end of the nominal payment
Early Bird : conference fee $75 ; you should transfer $75,3
Indonesian participant: add 3 to the end of the nominal payment
Early Bird : conference fee Rp 500.000 ; you should transfer Rp 500.003